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First, strengthen the vision: a common vision for preventing or ameliorating diseases
Powerful antioxidant anthocyanins, can also inhibit free radical damage to the eye, has been shown in clinical data of bilberry for eye diseases and chronic injuries caused because of aging, such as cataracts, macular lesions and diabetic retinopathy preventive effect.● accelerate blood capillaries around the eyes and on the oxygen delivery (to relieve intraocular pressure)
Because the eyes are all organs contained capillaries finest, highest density, the eye is held by capillary transport of nutrients and oxygen to provide eye cell nutrition important role. "Anthocyanins" microvascular protective effect of particular, many studies have indicated that bilberry has a protective eye cells, regulating the eyes connective tissue, muscle elasticity function. Bilberry can accelerate blood and oxygen delivery to the eye, to strengthen the eye muscles and nerves of the capillary, strongly recommended to read for a long time, doing fine workers and often against the computer or TV screen users. It also those blurred vision, eye fatigue or tears water so often ache and heartburn, are highly sensitive to light helpful. When the eyes of the blood circulation is improved, eye muscle fatigue, edema, vascular type of dark circles also will be improved. Enhance circulation and eye capillaries amount of gas cells for retinal health particularly helpful, can strengthen eyesight. The study also pointed out that after taking bilberry six weeks, half of the people have a progressive vision.● accelerate the regeneration of rhodopsin (eye protection) "Rhodopsin" (rhodopsin) in the retina is the basic material to produce visual eye, and can enhance the sensitivity of the dark adaptation low light. Rhodopsin like photographic film on a photosensitive material, and is responsible for the implementation of the visual response, rhodopsin can receive light, and the light into nerve signals to the brain.
Therefore, if the lack of rhodopsin, like lack of sensitivity than the negatives, you need a longer exposure time to form a visual image, there is the phenomenon of amblyopia and night blindness. Studies have shown that rhodopsin in the retina, after light exposure, will be broken down into retinal (11-transretinal) and opsin (opsin). The presence of anthocyanins, can accelerate re-synthesis of rhodopsin, promote visual acuity and improve night blindness.
Taking bilberry can indeed improve nighttime vision disorders, but its mechanism of action, and vitamin A to improve night blindness is not the same. Vitamin A is provided "retinal" raw, bilberry is to accelerate the synthesis of rhodopsin in the retina. Anthocyanins sustained activation of rhodopsin regeneration, so that the retina can adapt to changes in light and improve the discerning eyes in the dark. Second, promote blood circulation: Prevention and improve vascular problems
Recent studies have also shown that bilberry is not only beneficial to the eyes, and may even prevent and treat other vascular problems, anthocyanins by phospholipid itself superior antioxidant capacity, stable endothelial cells, to protect the arteries and veins cells from free radical damage, and increase the synthesis of colloidal and mucopolysaccharides in order to maintain the integrity of the arterial wall. Anthocyanins also prevent aggregates attached to the inner surface of the excessive platelet aggregation phenomenon, and more further attached to the endothelial surface as protective measures. In some clinical trials, anthocyanins also prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, improve people's atherosclerosis hardening. In the treatment of circulatory disorders, vascular varicose veins, arteries or veins on the offset has the help.


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